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The Atlantic halibut is found in the eastern and western parts of the North Atlantic. It is the largest flatfish, and the most massive individuals may reach a length of about 4.7 metres (15.4 feet) and a weight of 320 kg (705 pounds). It is brown, blackish, or deep green on the eyed side and, like most other flatfishes
halibut, (genus Hippoglossus), either of two species of large and economically valuable flatfishes of the genus Hippoglossus (order Pleuronectiformes). Both, the Atlantic halibut (H. hippoglossus) and the Pacific halibut (H. stenolepis), have their eyes and colour on one side of the body. As members of the family Pleuronectidae, they usually have these features on the right side of the body, which faces upward when they swim or rest on the seafloor.

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